Words of Wisdom from Jack Dorsey: Choosing Your Investors
by Scott Edward Walker on July 29th, 2018To Our Clients & Friends: Welcome to our weekly series “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.” Each week, we share a favorite video clip of a successful entrepreneur, investor or business leader on a variety of topics. This week, we present Jack Dorsey, Co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square.
In this interesting, five-minute response to a question at the Oxford Union a few years ago, Jack shares some solid advice for founders about choosing your investors, including the following:
- Always go to investors “with something to show.” (at 0:39)
- “If people can’t see it and feel it, it’s very, very hard to sell.” (at 1:09)
- “If we take money from someone, [it] is kind of like hiring someone we can never fire – we can never get rid of.” (at 1:40)
- “I know if I’m getting tough questions during the pitch, I’m going to get tough questions in the Board room.” (at 2:48)
- “I’m looking for [an investor] who I just love working with.” (at 3:07)
- “It’s not just about money or the firm, it’s about the individual who you are going to ultimately work with.” (at 3:14)
I hope you enjoy it. Cheers, Scott