Posts Tagged ‘rescission offer’

Raising Capital? 3 Tips for Entrepreneurs (Part 3)

by Scott Edward Walker on October 20th, 2011

I’ve been helping entrepreneurs raise capital as a corporate lawyer for 17+ years, and there are certain fundamental legal mistakes that I’ve seen entrepreneurs repeatedly make.  Accordingly, I thought it would be helpful to share three tips for entrepreneurs in connection with raising capital.  This is part three of a three-part series, which was  originally published on The Huffington Post.


Rescission Offers: Five Tips For Entrepreneurs

by Scott Edward Walker on November 24th, 2009

In light of the Madoff affair and other significant external pressures, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and State securities law commissions and departments are dramatically stepping-up enforcement of securities laws.  Indeed, there is a heightened level of regulatory scrutiny that entrepreneurs need to be aware of as they struggle to raise capital during this difficult economic period.  I have discussed the most common securities law violations in a relatively recent post: “Five Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Raising Capital”; and as I pointed out in “Mistake #1”, non-compliance with applicable securities laws could result in serious adverse consequences. (more…)