Posts Tagged ‘Slide’
Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed: Keith Rabois (of Slide)
by Scott Edward Walker on June 28th, 2010To Our Clients & Friends: Welcome to our weekly series entitled “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.” Each week, we post a short video presentation or interview of a successful entrepreneur, investor or business leader on a variety of topics to help entrepreneurs succeed.
This week, we present Keith Rabois, Executive Vice President of Strategy & Business Development for Slide and a very smart investor (courtesy of GigaOm TV). In this interesting, 20-minute interview, Keith discusses, among other things: (i) the recent increases in the size of angel rounds, (ii) making investment decisions, (iii) how “cool” it is being a seed investor, (iv) the changing role of the VC, (v) how to choose the right investor and (vi) the excitement of being an entrepreneur. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks, Scott
Tags: angel, angel rounds, entrepreneurs, Keith Rabois, leader, seed investor, Slide, vc
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