Walker Twitter Highlights: December 5th – 11th
by Scott Edward Walker on December 12th, 2010I’m using Twitter as a form of micro-blogging to share interesting blog posts, articles and podcasts relating to entrepreneurship & startups, mergers & acquisitions, and business & corporate law issues.
For those of you who missed this week’s Twitter updates, below are my five most popular tweets (via bit.ly) and my blog-related tweets. If you’d like to see all of my tweets (or an RSS feed of them), you can do so here. Thanks, Scott
Top 5 Tweets
- Dear Corporate Lawyers: I highly recommend this book by James C. Freund, retired corporate partner at Skadden: http://amzn.to/idLacN
- Did Regulatory Risk Derail Google-Groupon? (via @jdmoran): “disagreement over breakup fee [may have] stymied the deal” http://bit.ly/fpHqf1
- Why Cash Is NOT King (NYTimes) – “Perhaps, even more than profit, the real king in business is accounting.” http://nyti.ms/igTeEQ
- “We made more money from regularly pulling profits out of the company each year than we did in selling.” -@andrewwarner http://bit.ly/hExWfJ
- “I…am very pro in seeing founders make this initial pot of money so that our incentives can be aligned.” -@msuster http://bit.ly/enhc5K
Walker Blog-Post Related
- New post: “If you don’t want an LOI to be binding, you must include very specific language to [that] effect.” http://bit.ly/fJzotS
- New vid post – “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed: Sheryl Sandberg” >> brief clip re leadership (courtesy of @eCorner) http://bit.ly/gRh8Mx
Tags: breakup fee, corporate lawyers, entrepreneurs, founders, groupon, LOI, mergers, Sheryl Sandberg, startups, twitter, Twitter Highlights