Walker Twitter Highlights: May 21st – June 3rd

by Scott Edward Walker on June 4th, 2012

I’m using Twitter as a form of micro-blogging to share interesting blog posts, articles and podcasts relating to entrepreneurship and startups, M&A and legal issues.  Below are my five most popular tweets (via bit.ly) for the past two weeks and a few of blog-related tweets.  If you’d like to see all of my tweets (or an RSS feed of them), you can do so here.  Cheers, Scott


Top 5 Tweets

  1. Why I left Google – interesting post via @spencertipping  http://bit.ly/KNZxJd
  2. “He was a nice Jewish boy, & I was kind of a nice Jewish doctor…I said, ‘OK, Howard’.” -Starbucks’ 1st investor  http://on.wsj.com/K91Fwi
  3. Lawsuit Shakes Foundation of a Man’s World of Tech – “If a tenth of this is true, Kleiner Perkins has a problem.”  http://nyti.ms/Mnjx9B
  4. “We’re seeing résumés from people in finance all the time, & that’s awesome. We’ll see how long that lasts.” –@harris  http://nyti.ms/KpEdef
  5. Gotta love it: “I couldn’t afford to live anywhere [so] I started living out of AOL’s headquarters.” –@ericsimons40  http://cnet.co/KIn4tO


  1. Just uploaded this solid vid of Tim Cook from AllThingsD:  http://bit.ly/MZtSHN
  2. New motivational vid: “We Become What We Think About” http://bit.ly/Lmr0k3
  3. I just uploaded this amazing interview of Daniel Ek, the founder & CEO of Spotify (via @ECorner)  http://bit.ly/LazvkK

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