Walker Twitter Highlights: September 24th – October 1st

by Scott Edward Walker on October 3rd, 2012

I’m using Twitter as a form of micro-blogging to share interesting blog posts, articles and podcasts relating to entrepreneurship and startups, M&A and legal issues.  Below are my five most popular tweets (via bit.ly) for the past week and a couple of blog-related tweets.  If you’d like to see all of my tweets (or an RSS feed of them), you can do so here.  Cheers, Scott


Top 5 Tweets

  1. Quora: “What is it like to be funded by Andreesen-Horowitz?”  http://b.qr.ae/R8I9ks
  2. How to design a mobile app… – interesting post via @alexanderkirov  http://bit.ly/SmD5rd
  3. Quora: “Why did so many successful entrepreneurs and startups come out of PayPal?” A few solid responses:  http://b.qr.ae/PXI2Zs
  4. “I’ve gained 20 pounds this year…It’s the side effect of being cool in Silicon Valley.” –@philf1217  http://on.wsj.com/UshXSd
  5. “[W]hen you’re starting a company and considering a 3rd founder, take an extra pass at considering why.” –@ddukes  http://bit.ly/Rm3gSk


  1. “Everything I ever attempted I was always willing to fail.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger  http://bit.ly/S4v9Rp  (at 1:28)
  2. New motivational post: “If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It” (and other great quotes)  http://bit.ly/UyM4Yi

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