Posts Tagged ‘Steve Case’

Crowdfunding Bill Stuck in the Senate

by Scott Edward Walker on January 13th, 2012

In early November, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelming passed the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act, a crowdfunding bill which permits startups to offer and sell securities via crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter or social networking sites like Facebook.  As I discuss below, this is a game-changer for startups and lifts certain securities law prohibitions that have been on the books since the 1930’s.

The Obama Administration supports the House bill and noted in its Statement of Administrative Policy that: “This bill will make it easier for entrepreneurs to raise capital and create jobs.”  Unfortunately, two very different crowdfunding bills have been introduced in the U.S. Senate, and committee hearings have been surprisingly focused on fraud concerns and other potential problems.  Indeed, it is unclear whether the Senate will even pass a crowdfunding bill (and, if so, in what form).


Walker Twitter Highlights: June 13th – 19th

by Scott Edward Walker on June 20th, 2010

I’m using Twitter as a form of micro-blogging to share interesting articles, blog posts and podcasts relating to entrepreneurship, business and corporate law issues, and mergers & acquisitions.

For those of you who missed this week’s Twitter updates, below are my five most popular tweets (via and two most popular blog-related tweets.  If you’d like to see all of my tweets (or an RSS feed of them), you can do so here.  Many thanks, Scott


Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed: Steve Case

by Scott Edward Walker on June 15th, 2010

To Our Clients & Friends: Welcome to our weekly series entitled “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.”  Each week, we post a short video interview or presentation of a successful entrepreneur, investor or business leader on a variety of topics to help entrepreneurs succeed.

Yesterday, we presented Tony Hsieh of Zappos.  Today, as a bonus video, we present Steve Case, the co-founder and former CEO of AOL, and an extraordinary entrepreneur (courtesy of Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner).  Steve discusses (i) the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in this country; and (ii) the “3 P’s” – people, passion and perseverance (through the prism of his own career).

Please note that this video is a little longer than the others in this series, but well worth it.  Thanks, Scott