Posts Tagged ‘Tracked’
Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed: Michael Yavonditte
by Scott Edward Walker on June 16th, 2011To Our Clients & Friends: Welcome to our weekly series entitled “Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed.” Each week, we post a short video clip of a successful entrepreneur, investor or business leader on a variety of topics. This week, we present Michael Yavonditte, currently the founder and CEO of Hashable and Tracked, and formerly the CEO of Quigo (which was sold to AOL in 2007 for $340 million) — and a very smart, impressive entrepreneur (and mentor).
In this solid, three-minute interview via Founder Stories (one of my favorite podcasts), Michael provides some excellent advice to startups, including the importance of (i) hiring great people, (ii) a “good” and “sensible” idea, (iii) flexibility and (iv) “sequencing” and “prioritization.” I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks, Scott
Tags: entrepreneurs, Founder Stories, Hashable, helping entrepreneurs, Michael Yavonditte, Quigo, startups, Tracked, Yavonditte
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